
Sell ​​digital content and provide exclusive rewards for your audience!

Offer exclusive content and rewards to boost your projects. With a high-converting personalized Landing Page you can increase your sales, expand your business's visibility and engage your audience.Use the Revenue Share tool to share revenue with partners in a simple, secure and transparent way.Explore our solutions!
SubscriptionsOffer members a variety of exclusive content, including online courses, e-books, new classes, boxes with physical products and other exclusive content.
CollectionsCreate digital collectibles and offer more benefits and advantages to your Community members.
CrowdfundingGet your dream off the ground and realize your projects with collective support!
Rewards and shareOffer your audience physical and digital rewards, including NFTs, immersive experiences, consultancy, exclusive materials, fan chat, among other options. Be creative!
Checkout and DonationsIntegrate checkout buttons on your website, blog or live stream to facilitate purchases, messages and donations. All in one place!

Create and manage your project in just a few steps!

Create your project
Share with your community
Promote your project
Generate revenue
Use our landing pages and marketing support to increase conversions of your subscriptions and digital products.

Customize a sales page with your product!

Create an attractive page to promote your product and convert your leads into customers more easily.Use the available templates to customize your sales page according to the stage of your launch.
TRANSPARENT, SECURE AND OPTIMIZED PAYMENT SYSTEM, IN PIX, CARDS AND CRYPTOCURRENCIES.Pay only 7%* of each successful sale and offer discounts to your most engaged members.
*Standard rate: 9% - Receive up to 2% cashback Valid for PREMIUM customers with monthly billing above R$10.000.
Freedom to create, promote, share and generate revenue!
Use our platform to create, support and discover the work of different creators.

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